8 x 14 Dog Kennel MH 28990
in Altoona,
- Also serving
Base Price:
Total Price:
10.99% APY 3-Year Ally Financing:
$231.82 per mo*
*Credit check required. $1,000 minimum. Ask about all details & terms. Other plans available.
10.99% APY 7-Year Ally Financing:
$121.26 per mo*
*Credit check required. $3,000 minimum. Ask about all details & terms. Other plans available.
**Sales tax not included. Ask about all program details and terms.
Heavy Duty Dog Kennel is built to last!
Financing Available!
Rent to Own Available!
Contact Lot Manager Phil Schreyer
Altoona Pine Creek Structures
3219 E. Pleasant Valley Boulevard
Altoona, PA 16602
Phone: (814) 931-4787
E-mail: www.AltoonaSheds.com
2 - 4' x 8' Chain Link Enclosures
8' x 6' Shelter and Storage Area
Index #: 86 Kennel 28990 0822
PC Clay Siding with Brown Trim
Weatherwood Shingles
Delivery & set on your flat level pad included up to 20 MILES from store!!
Lifetime Warranty Shingles
50 YR Warranty ENGINEERED Lp Wood siding
Pine Creek Year Warranty